Our trusted Functional Lab Partners

We offer a diverse range of tests designed to empower you with valuable insights into your body's functioning. From blood work routine, and nutritional analyses to different comprehensive tests, uncover the keys to vitality and make informed decisions for a healthier, more balanced life. Trust in the precision and reliability of our tests as we pave the way to a proactive and personalized approach to well-being.

  • Comprehensive Routine Labwork

Quest Diagnostics
  • Comprehensive Routine Labwork

Quest diagnostics
Quest diagnostics
Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory
Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory
Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory
Precision Analytical Inc.
Precision Analytical Inc.
Precision Analytical Inc.
  • Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) Test (Read more)

Genova Diagnostics
Genova Diagnostics
Genova Diagnostics
Vibrant Wellness America
Vibrant Wellness America
Vibrant Wellness America
  • Comprehensive Routine Labwork

  • Food Sensitivity Test (Read more)

ZRT Laboratories
ZRT Laboratories
ZRT Laboratories
Cell Science Systems
Cell Science Systems
Cell Science Systems
Doctor's data inc.
Doctor's data inc.
Doctor's Data Inc.
Mosaic Diagnostics
Mosaic Diagnostics
Mosaic Diagnostics